Week 33 Wool Market Report


Week Ending 18 February 2022 (Week 33) The AWEX EMI finished at 1420¢, 2¢ lower (-0.1%) in Australian currency and 1¢ lower (-0.1%) in US currency at sales in Sydney, Melbourne and Fremantle in Week 33. 48,990 bales were on offer nationally, compared with 47,715 bales last sale. 9.6% of the offering was passed in after 7.3% of the potential offering was withdrawn prior to sale. 44,267 bales were sold. The larger sale was due to the inclusion of 3,951 bales of Tasmanian wool in Melbourne on Wednesday. AWEX reports that the value of the wool sold was $77.4 million ($1,748 per bale), taking the season total to $1.510 billion ($1,611 per bale). The number of bales sold at auction this season is now 13.6% greater than in 2020/21.

AWIS Wool Market Review 18 February 2022 (Week 33)