Week Ending 26 February 2021 (Week 35)
The AWEX EMI finished at 1306¢, 12¢ lower (-0.9%) in Australian currency and 19¢ higher (+1.9%) in US currency at sales in Sydney, Melbourne and Fremantle in Week 35.
50,138 bales were on offer nationally, compared with 44,376 bales last sale. 18.4% of the offering was passed in after 4.8% of the potential offering was withdrawn prior to sale. 40,908 bales were sold.
AWEX reports that the value of the wool sold was $61.2 million ($1,496 per bale), taking the season total to $1.208 billion ($1,338 per bale). There is no comparative data for the number of bales sold as there was no sale in Week 35 last year.
AWIS Wool Market Review 26 February 2021 (Week 35)